Jquery勉強サイト[よく使えるJquery Plugin]





download:   jquery.msgBox(v1.0)

Option Confirmable Values Description
content any string the message text. as default:’Message’
title any string the title of the message as default:’Warning’
type ‘alert’,’confirm’,’error’,’info’,’prompt’ type of the message will be shown. as default:’alert’
autoClose boolean values true for activating auto-closing, else false. as default:false
timeOut milisecons auto-close timeout. as default:content.length * 70
showButtons boolean values true for displayin buttons on message, else false. as default:true
buttons array format:[{value:”Button1″},{value:”Button2″}]. as default:[{value:”Ok”}]
success callback a callback function that passed the value of the button has been clicked.
beforeShow callback a callback before message shown.
afterShow callback a callback after message shown.
beforeClose callback a callback before message closed.
afterClose callback a callback after message closed.
opacity a value 1 between 0 the css property of the back panel of message box. as default:0.1

