Salesforceのfinally と Rollback利用して、ダミーデータの作成回避できます
作成者: elegant
VF + Jquery
Salesforce AutoComplete Sample Code
Salesforce Javascript Remoting, jQuery and Autocomplete « Vertical Code
Custom Button/Link add Dialog Window
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("")} function autoLoader_js() { if(jQuery) { var d = sfdcPage.dialogs['MyCoolDialog'], close; if (!d) { // if the dialog doesn't exist create one d = sfdcPage.dialogs['MyCoolDialog'] = new SimpleDialog('MyCoolDialog', false); // set general information on your dialog and finally run the create function d.setTitle('請求書'); d.setWidth(600); d.createDialog(); } // give your dialog some content (I usually use an iframe linking to another visualforce page // change the url, height, width to your needs $(d.dialog).find('#MyCoolDialogInner').html('<div class="pbBody"><div><div class="pbSubsection"><table class="detailList" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="labelCol first "><label>会計宛名</label></td><td class="data2Col first "><input id="dialog_accName" type="text" size="90" value="{!JSINHTMLENCODE(AccountAcount__c.ContactName__c)}"/></td></tr><tr><td class="labelCol "><label>コメント</label></td><td class="data2Col "><input id="dialog_comment" type="text" size="90" /></td></tr><tr><td class="labelCol "><label>振込先1</label></td><td class="data2Col "><input id="dialog_payee1" type="text" size="90" value="{!JSINHTMLENCODE($Setup.CommDefine__c.FacilityPayee1__c)}"/></td></tr><tr><td class="labelCol "><label>振込先2</label></td><td class="data2Col "><input id="dialog_payee2" type="text" size="90" value="{!JSINHTMLENCODE($Setup.CommDefine__c.FacilityPayee2__c)}"/></td></tr><tr><td class="labelCol "><label>振込先3</label></td><td class="data2Col "><input id="dialog_payee3" type="text" size="90" value="{!JSINHTMLENCODE($Setup.CommDefine__c.FacilityPayee3__c)}"/></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align: right;"><input class="btn" id="dialog_cancelBtn" style="width: 100px" type="button" value="キャンセル" /> <input class="btn" id="dialog_printoutBtn" style="width: 100px" type="button" value="請求書作成" /></td></tr></table></div></div></div>'); $(d.dialog).find('input[type="button"]').on('click', function() { var btnId = $(this).attr("id"); if (btnId == "dialog_cancelBtn") { d.hide(); } else if (btnId == "dialog_printoutBtn") { // 請求書画面を起動する var custName = $("#dialog_accName").val(); var comment = $("#dialog_comment").val(); var payee1 = $("#dialog_payee1").val(); var payee2 = $("#dialog_payee2").val(); var payee3 = $("#dialog_payee3").val(); var url = "{!URLFOR('/apex/' & $Setup.CommDefine__c.AppNS__c & 'BillPDF')}"; var custNameUrl = "?id={!AccountAcount__c.Id}&cuName=" + encodeURIComponent(custName) + "&comment="+encodeURIComponent(comment); custNameUrl += "&py1="+encodeURIComponent(payee1) + "&py2="+encodeURIComponent(payee2) + "&py3="+encodeURIComponent(payee3); + custNameUrl); d.hide(); } }); // we also need to make sure we have a close button on the dialog if ($(d.dialog).find('#InlineEditDialogX').size() == 0) { // if there is none we create it close = $('<a id="InlineEditDialogX" title="Close" tabindex="0" href="javascript:void(0)" class="dialogClose">Close</a>'); // add some functionality to the close button (for the default ui we change the classname on mouseover/out close.mouseover(function() { this.className = 'dialogCloseOn'; }).mouseout(function() { this.className = 'dialogClose'; }).click(function() { // finally our on click handler which closes the dialog d.hide(); }); // insert the new generated close button before the h2 tag so it'll show up on the top right corner close.insertBefore($(d.dialog).find('.topLeft h2')); } // now it's time to show the new dialog; } } autoLoader_js();
// if you want to use it inside a visualforce page create a function around it function showFollowUp() { // if you want to use it in a button make sure you require jQuery // {!REQUIRESCRIPT("")} // UNCOMMENT IF IN A BUTTON // get the dialog with your dialog name var d = sfdcPage.dialogs['MyCoolDialog'], close; if (!d) { // if the dialog doesn't exist create one d = sfdcPage.dialogs['MyCoolDialog'] = new SimpleDialog('MyCoolDialog', false); // set general information on your dialog and finally run the create function d.setTitle('Vorgang auf Wiedervorlage'); d.setWidth(600); d.createDialog(); } // give your dialog some content (I usually use an iframe linking to another visualforce page // change the url, height, width to your needs $(d.dialog).find('#MyCoolDialogInner').html(''); // once the iframe is loaded you may want to give it some functionality $(d.dialog).find('#MyCoolDialogInner iframe').on('load', function() { // find the input boxes within the iframe and attach a click handler $(this).contents().find('input[type="submit"]').on('click', function() { // if it is a cancel button close the dialog if ($(this).val() == 'Cancel') d.hide(); return false; }); }); // we also need to make sure we have a close button on the dialog if ($(d.dialog).find('#InlineEditDialogX').size() == 0) { // if there is none we create it close = $('Close'); // add some functionality to the close button (for the default ui we change the classname on mouseover/out close.mouseover(function() { this.className = 'dialogCloseOn'; }).mouseout(function() { this.className = 'dialogClose'; }).click(function() { // finally our on click handler which closes the dialog d.hide(); }); // insert the new generated close button before the h2 tag so it'll show up on the top right corner close.insertBefore($(d.dialog).find('.topLeft h2')); } // now it's time to show the new dialog; }
CSS Sprit Tool
Dataloader + CLIQ実装
注意点:command lineでSalesforceに接続する場合、proxy使うと、必ずDataloaderフォルダにjvmを使ってください
例:dataloader19 + cliqの場合、その現象が発生する
“HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required”
上記問題対応するため、最新のDataloaderVersionをDownloadして、利用する(例:Dataloader 25.0.2)
Linux + Dataloader(Redhat 6 + DataLoader25.0.2 + CLIQ)検証済み、問題なし、稼働できます
Salesforce Dataloader Old Version Download
Integer classLines = 0;
Integer triggerLines = 0;
for(ApexClass a : [Select Name, Body From ApexClass]){
classLines += lines.size();
System.debug( + ‘:’ + lines.size());
for(ApexTrigger a : [Select Name, Body From ApexTrigger]){
triggerLines += lines.size();
System.debug( + ‘:’ + lines.size());
system.debug(‘Apex Class lines: ‘ + classLines);
system.debug(‘Apex Trigger lines: ‘ + triggerLines);
system.debug(‘Apex Total lines: ‘ + (classLines+ triggerLines));
Mac BookPro 13ich SSD